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Impact of Slow Loading Website and How to Fix It

Imagine you perform an instant search for a product online. However, when you click on the first web page you see, it doesn’t load faster. Would you keep waiting for the site to load or go to another site? Obviously, you will prefer to visit another source that loads instantly. 

Well, if you cannot bear delays, then how can users of your site will? This is not the only impact of slow loading times. From lowering the reputation of your brand to affecting SEO, it can lead to many consequences. 

In this guide, let’s uncover what happens when your site takes more time to load. Also, we will see how you can overcome it. So, ready to discover the impacts and possible solutions of slow loading website? Let’s get started. 

Effects Of Slow Loading Website:

effects of slow loading website illustration for blog

Slow speed can negatively influence many factors, like user experience, bounce rate, visibility, and conversions. Here is how it impacts these aspects exactly. 

  • Higher Bounce Rate 

Remember, users always remain conscious of their time while performing internet searches. They aim to reach the required information in as little time as they can. So, when your site’s content doesn’t take a long period to load, it frustrates them. 

Slow loading website diminishes their interest in knowing what your content offers to them. As a result, they feel disappointed and leave the website before the content appears. 

When a sufficient number of users return from your site, the bounce rate significantly reduces. The decrease in bounce rate affects other SEO metrics, such as dwell time and traffic. 

  • Ruined User Experience 

No matter what type of site you have, user experience is a key factor in making it result-driven. You cannot motivate users to take action without considering their comfort. A website with a slow loading speed creates inconvenience for users. 

When users have to wait for what they want to see, it makes them uncomfortable. Also, it hurts their expectations and makes them perceive the site as less credible. Moreover, more time taken to show a web page completely discourages users from engaging. 

When visitors are not satisfied with the functionality of a site, they are less likely to return to it in the future. 

  • Decreased Visibility 

Search engines highly prioritize user experience. While compiling results for a query, they prefer to include web pages that provide a smooth journey to users. Taking this into account, they always favor sites that offer super-fast load times. 

So, if your site’s load time is bad, it is less likely to appear in search results. The reduced probability of being noticed online means fewer chances to attract organic traffic. And if it goes on for a long period, your site may lose its position in the ranking.

If it happens, you will have to start from scratch to take your site to the heights it was before. Remember, regaining ranking might require you to put in more effort than you did in the beginning. 

  • Reduced Sales 

Online sales heavily depend on the site traffic. The more the visitors land on your web pages, the higher the chances of conversions. Conversely, you will have to face lower sales issues if your site fails to attract and retain users. 

In case of slow loading speed, your site barely succeeds in maintaining consistent traffic. As mentioned earlier, it leads to lowering the number of incoming visitors day by day. When your site’s traffic decreases, it obviously affects sales badly. 

In short, a bad user experience and a higher bounce rate are caused by slow site speed, which drives fewer conversions. This ultimately results in less revenue generation. 

How To Fix Site Speed Issue?

How to fix site speed issue Blog illustration
Speed issues are common among all website holders. If your site also makes users wait for more time, there is nothing to fret about. All you need to do is fix the problem using the practices mentioned below focusing on how to fix slow website loading:
  • Compress Image Size 

Images greatly contribute to the overall load on a web page. The large-sized pictures can take more time to load than those with small sizes. That’s why make sure that you reduce the size of every photo that loads late.  Try to keep the picture size up to 50kb, as it provides a smooth loading experience to users. You can capitalize on an efficient tool to compress image to 50kb without compromising the original image quality and formatting. When you compress every oversized image of your site, it positively influences the site speed. 
  • Limit HTTP Requests

Another method that helps to increase the site speed is limiting HTTP requests.  A large number of requests puts an extra burden on the server. Due to this, page elements take more time to load. That’s why you must manage the HTTP requests to improve site load times.  For this purpose, you should reduce the number of plugins. Identify the plugins that don’t add value to your site and uninstall them. Also, you may consider replacing heavy add-ons with lighter ones. Moreover, removing unnecessary images and enabling lazy loading can also help minimize HTTP requests. 
  • Reduce Server Response Time 

Sometimes, the server at which your site is hosted doesn’t respond to browser requests promptly. Due to this, the content on your site takes relatively more time to display than usual. If you reduce server response time, it can notably speed up the load time.  To ensure your server replies to every request swiftly, consider upgrading your hosting plan. Also, you may shift your site to a faster server. For better load times, you can use a content delivery network (CDN). It distributes the content of your site to multiple servers worldwide. As a result, the users from every location experience faster load times.  

To Sum Up:

To put it in a nutshell, slow site speed can affect SEO metrics and reduce sales. It can cause your site to fall from achieved heights. However, you can mitigate this problem by following our suggestions mentioned above. Remember, regular care of load times will help you build a reliable customer base. 

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