7 Simple Secrets for Totally Rocking Your Social Media

7 Simple Secrets for Totally Rocking Your Social Media

Social media has completely redefined the way we do things. Having seen far more shifts that any advancements in technology, this digital dragon is something that we just can’t simply wish away anymore. It has become part and parcel of us. A lifestyle even that continues to evolve and offer new functionality.

This doesn’t come as a complete surprise though. We are living in the 21st century where instant coffee and instant food rule. With just a click of a button, you can share your thoughts, upload videos, connect with old friends, share and view attractive images and even connect with brands.

Downright fascinating right? But awfully addictive at the same time. It’s almost like a bittersweet experience with this giant.

However, the most remarkable perk of social media besides the mad fun is the ease with which businesses can do their social media marketing. In fact, according to recent statistics, an estimated 88% of brands today are using social media for marketing.

If you’re in business, in many instances, your business is judged based on its online reputation. In fact, according to a study done by digital software company Vendasta 74% of customers depend on social media to guide their purchase decisions. And the last thing you want is to fail before you even start. Here are 7 simple social media marketing secrets that’ll totally rock your social media and set you on the road to success.

Carve a niche for yourself by exploring these lucrative web design business ideas.

Avoid Underpromoting and Overpromoting Yourself

There is a reason why we say out of sight out of mind. It is just how the human mind works. The more you see something the more you’re likely to pay attention to it.

You might have a very lucrative business with remarkable things to offer but as long as you’re not in people’s faces, they’ll never know. And sadly, they might not even care at all.

Now I know that many entrepreneurs have a hard time with marketing themselves and more so when it comes to social media marketing. Some may even be tempted to oversell themselves, just, so they can get more customers. However, much like selling yourself short, over promoting yourself could jeopardize your connections and ruin your chances of success.

Content is King

People no longer just want a hard sell technique. They want as much information as can be coughed up so that they are well informed. So, if you are selling skin care products why not share content around skin care tips and best practices for beautiful radiant skin? Adding informative content in your social media helps resonate with your customers and prompt them to make a purchase.

Focus on the Right Platforms for Your Business

Here’s the deal: not all social media platforms are good for business. Some businesses do exceptionally well with Facebook whereas others do better with Instagram. It all depends on the industry and your audience. For example, business ventures like photography do exceptionally well on Instagram because it focuses on gorgeous attractive images and videos. However, if your business is more about the written word, Facebook and LinkedIn would be the perfect platforms for you.

Understand Your Competitors

Remember the old adage keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Well, here is where it really comes into play. Even if you are a market leader, there are plenty of things that you can learn from your competitors. Your analysis should look at:

Design trends that seem to be working.

  • How best to engage customers.
  • How to price products.
  • What platforms work best.
  • Followers.
  • The percentage of curated vs original content.

Understand Your Audience

Different customers approach different social media platforms differently. For example, some customers might be perfectly okay with just looking up your product on Facebook and immediately make a purchase decision. However, some customers might decide to perform the product research using more advanced social media platforms like LinkedIn to get a better scope of the product and your company.

Use Social Media Scheduling Tools to Save You the Trouble

Writing and posting content on social media can be time-consuming. Not to mention tiring too. If you’re going to be making it a habit, you can use social media scheduling tools to help you schedule all your posts in one go and also get up-to-the-minute reporting on how your posts are doing. This way, you can keep an eye on the clicks and engagements to see the posts that are generating the most traffic.

Plan Your Content Marketing Strategy

Let’s reiterate, content is king. So, you need to capitalize on constantly posting informative pieces every single chance you get. A good content strategy takes into account what resonates with the customers most and provides that information regularly. Your content also needs to be relevant, engaging and well presented. Well-presented content influences how the audience connects to the message you want to convey and so it’s something that you definitely want to pay careful attention to.

The Bottom Line

With the tips mentioned in this piece, you should be able to pump up your social media marketing and be well on your way to success.

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