In the majority of the situations, business web application or web apps design does not get the adequate amount of attention it deserves. Because of this, there are many applications that fail to meet the requirements of business owners and end-users.
In the long run, this can cause money to be lost and users to be dissatisfied with the overall experience. What is even more strange is that, in some cases, these apps are created solely by developers, with designers playing very little or no role in the process.
Designing business web apps is not an easy task for a developer to handle, especially if we stop and think about the imbalance between their development experience and design knowledge.
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Image source: Barthelemy Chalvet
If the developer builds a business web app without proper app onboarding practices, then there is a high risk of dissatisfaction not only on behalf of the business owner but also from the end-user. In the end, the project will fail without any doubt.
Web apps design and functionality evolve fast
As the Internet develops, it should be no surprise that this virtual environment gradually becomes a living organism.
It is because of the advent of the Internet that a radical change has occurred in the field of web apps design, influencing in its own turn the business operation modes. Most businesses are going through this change. Quitting models that are outdated and choosing models that are based on innovative concepts (grid, cloud etc.).
Check out this blog for an in-depth look at web design basics.
Image source: Eduardo Santos
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The rapid pace at which things are happening is one of the reasons why the newly-designed web apps design have to be of excellent quality. These are going to actually represent the interface through which a business presents itself, along with the available services or products. One should not spend his/her time wondering how to design web apps for business. But rather take action and provide a web application design to meet the demands of the consumer in question.
The interface does not have to be complicated in order to be effective. On the contrary, there are three major qualities it should possess: simplicity, high level of responsiveness, and ease of use.
In order to guarantee them, a design has to make avail of the web development experience. As well as of the design skills accumulated throughout time. Plus, there are some other things that are worth remembering and these are presented in the following paragraphs.
Can we put an equal sign between websites and web apps?
Image source: Vivek Venkatraman
The answer is clearly no. But this confusion is often made. Probably just as often as the user interface design is mistaken for the website design. In order to clarify things, let us find out a little bit more information about websites and web apps. First and foremost, you are probably aware that the easiest way to define a website is as a collection of pages.
Moreover, you know that the majority of the content on a website is static, with some images and video materials. Which overall guarantees a limited functionality from an interactive point of view. The only exceptions from this might be represented by items such as custom contact form or the search box.
Image source: Dominic L.
So, what is the primary role of a website? The answer is simple and quite obvious: information. In some situations, the dynamic content on a website is rendered with the help of content management systems but even then the respective website maintains its purpose and that is to inform.
Web apps, on the other hand, are defined by dynamism and interaction. They allow business owners to handle their businesses in a highly efficient manner. Also, accomplishing tasks that are critical and guaranteeing an accurate measurement, not to mention an increase, in overall productivity.
So, when it comes to the primary role of a web app, it is safe to conclude that it is there to ensure that a certain task is completed, always in relation to the predefined business roles.
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Business applications and the role of user interface design
Image source: Stas Petryanick
It is a known fact that business applications have a higher complexity level. Which makes them more difficult to use, especially when compared to the apps or websites that are designed for the private user experience. When it comes to the business web app design, the way the interface looks is not the only thing that matters. In fact, it is through this app that a product, system, or service is presented, conveying a wide range of emotions, attitudes, and even behaviors.
In order to come up with the best interface design, one has to return to the accumulated experience and knowledge. Plus, the whole process is characterized by the permanent search for the best solutions. A type of experimentation without which one could not provide a great interface design.
Image source: Frantisek Kusovsky
One has to understand that the interface design guarantees the interaction of the user with the product or service in question, allowing for the prime goal of design to be reached. This is the main reason why we cannot talk just about user interface design. But rather about the user experience design.
For one to be able to guarantee the highest standards of quality for the user experience design, two main things are required. On one hand, there is knowledge regarding the user and how he/she operates. On the other hand, we are talking about the knowledge related to the business in question. And the industry of which it is part.
Image source: Paul Adrian
Speaking from the perspective of translation management systems, this should not appear as another tool, recommended solely for project management, document management or process automation.
On the contrary, when creating this tool, one should take into account the actual needs of the people who belong or are interested in that specific industry. Moreover, the optimization of the app is highly important, especially when it comes to daily tasks and operations.
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Image source: Arthur Alex Lipsky
An up-to-date interface is more than necessary. It guarantees a high level of efficiency in dealing with any problem that might arise. Apart from that, it allows one to save time, given the fact that all the information is readily available. Not only do we have to spend time trying to search for the necessary information (check out this Quickbooks alternative for Mac for a good example of search), but there is no risk of getting averted by useless data.
When the interface is engaging and intuitive, this means it has served its purpose. And that is to make work feel more pleasant. This automatically translates into a higher level of productivity. Given the fact that one no longer has to waste time dealing with functions of obscure quality or searching for the necessary information.
Image source: Alexander Zaytsev
Moreover, when the information is presented in a concise and clear manner, there are virtually no chances for one clicking on the wrong piece of info or overlooking parts that are virtual (no mistakes).
No one knows best than the user
Image source: Farzad Ban
There are many situations in which the client has certain demands about the product or service in question. As he/she believes this is what the user might want. However, this will simply lead to the creation of an app that simply failed to meet the needs of the respective user.
On a short-term basis, you might obtain the satisfaction of the client, knowing that her/his demands have been met. However, on a long-term basis, the client will certainly suffer when the end users are not going to be satisfied with the product/service.
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Image source: Pierre Georges
The truth is that the user is the only person who matters in the decision process. Unfortunately, despite the important role that they play, not many people in the industry are interested in finding out what they really think.
Techniques for the identification of users
There are many techniques that can be used in order to identify potential users. Interviews and shadow observation being among the most common. The interviews can be made either with the users or with business stakeholders. The main purpose of the interview is to gather information regarding the knowledge possessed by the users (system and computer-related).
On the other hand, shadow observation allows for the gathering of information that is more complex. Shadowing comes with another advantage, allowing one to observe how certain tasks are performed by the user, together with the errors that have been made. When it comes to shadows, the person making the observation practically acts as a shadow. Hence the name of the process. Basically, every step that the user takes is observed and noted.
If you do not have the necessary permission to access real users or you are concentrated on developing an open application, do not worry. In this situation, it is recommended to resort to personas. This being one of the most efficient tools available for the identification of users. This tool is actually a sample of real users, along with makes them a person – motivation, purpose, customs.
What is the best approach for the design process?
Image source: Michał Ptaszyński
Each and every web designer has his/her own design process, which can be used to create a certain product or service. One of the most recommended approaches when it comes to the design process is Agile. It is an approach that is based on the idea that the user interface is what matters the most for the user.
As a designer, you might try to impress the user with fantastic things. But, in the end, he/she will show an interest mainly in the interface. Agile can help the web designer tremendously. Thanks to the iterative approach, which allows for the segmentation of the design process. When you follow this approach, it is guaranteed that a prototype is going to be created only after the first iteration.
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The connection between usability and accessibility
When you design an application, you have to take into consideration that this app is going to be used by both disabled and non-disabled users. When it comes to disabled users, it is important to understand that this is an umbrella term. Encompassing people who have various accessibility requirements. Some of them suffer from visual impairment, and others have a hearing deficiency or have their motor function affected.
The market analysis for both disabled and non-disabled users requires both time and money. When one is interested in guaranteeing accessibility for a certain app, it is important to invest an adequate amount of resources.
Consistency is the key in web apps design
Image source: Roy Walker
There are two things that matter the most when it comes to the design of the user interface, meaning familiarity and consistency. The user interface has to be consistent throughout the entire application, this being termed internal consistency.
If you are searching for business accounting software, here is a tutorial: Best Small Business Accounting Software.
At the same time, it is important that the user interface maintains its consistency in relation to the operating system and the other applications that belong to the same group. This concept is known as external consistency. And the applications within the Microsoft Office family are the perfect example to illustrate it.
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