WordPress tricks

Basic WordPress Tricks Every Designer Should Know

Among several other essential aspects, WordPress is much appreciated for the flexibility and a gamut of customization options that a designer can make use of. And, undoubtedly, a major part of these customization options is interlinked with the design.

For designers who don’t belong to a high-end background or are just starting, this connection can prove to be both a curse and a blessing. Despite the risk, it’s quite exciting to create a website with cautiously chosen colors, images, patterns, fonts, etc.

However, with never-ending client requirements and several options at hand, sometimes, it becomes a tough task to create something that would woo the audience instantly. Moreover, when the possibility of mistakes is even higher, creating a professional looking website becomes even more difficult.

Keeping that in mind, here are some basic WordPress tricks to help every designer. With these tricks, you’ll surely be able to fulfill all of your clients’ requirements.

Unique 404 Error Page:

For netizens, experiencing a website breakdown isn’t anything new. But, what if you turn that unpleasant experience into a quirky one? Of course, everything is possible with WordPress. Although this platform comes with a basic 404 error page, however, you always have an opportunity to add a personal touch to it.

Having an attractively designed error page would not just attract people but will also pass out a message of reassurance saying that everything is under control.
With WordPress, you always have an upper-hand when it comes to customizing the 404-error page, thanks to an array of plugins available, such as Redirection, SEO Redirection plugin, All 404 Redirect to Homepage and more. By choosing the right plugin, the process of customization can become easier for you.

Keep A Tab on Current Designing Trends:

As much as you consider this one a simple trick, it can turn out to be an effective one. Being in touch with the outer world and keeping a tab on the latest trends in the designing community will help you create something marvelous.
These days, Parallax scrolling is taking the website designing with a storm. It’s a kind of technique that is primarily used by computer graphics. This technique makes the background image move slowly as compared to the foreground image. Hence, it creates an illusion of immersion and depth.
With this Parallax scrolling, users can swiftly navigate through web pages. Furthermore, this technique is even easier to implement. Likewise, there would be several such trends that can make your website stand out from the rest. Keep your eyes and ears open.

Colors Should Make the Noise:

Generally, when selecting a WordPress theme, a majority of people only concentrate on a handful of features, such as usability, features, customization, and price. However, while doing so, one important aspect that you shouldn’t be missing out on is the target audience.
Out of all the aspects, the psychology of your audience should be put into consideration when finalizing the color scheme for the website. As per the research, humans are almost 90% visual beings. And, that’s the reason why colors matter the most.

There are two major rules that can help you choose something better:

Using a limited color palette:
You don’t have to use every existing color and create a rainbow out of your website.
On the contrary, keep it as limited as you can. In addition to dark grey and black text, you can use two different primary colors. Once selected, be consistent with them and use those two colors on every page of your website.

Select an accent color:
If you’re using the two primary colors constantly, you can come up with an accent color whenever you’d want to draw attention to something special. This can include using the accent color on offers, CTA buttons, links, announcements, etc.

Make Content Accessible:

Content is, undoubtedly, one of the important aspects of your website. If your visitors have a tough time understanding words that you’ve published on the site, they wouldn’t even consider twice before closing the tab.
There are several things that can make your content inaccessible altogether, such as bad choices of layout, low-quality or irrelevant content, or poor options to search.
Therefore, to fascinate your visitors, make sure that the information you’re adding has value. Since a majority of people just scan through the content, so keep the text structure correct, smooth navigation, and highlight CTA buttons.
Furthermore, there are some content blunders that you must avoid, such as:

  • No paragraphs
  • Right alignment
  • Large fields of text
  • Wrong ratio of color-contrast
  • The complex structure of the text
  • Difficult-to-see subheads
  • Wrong spacing.

These blunders may end up causing a lot of trouble. Hence, they are best if ignored.

Check out: What is WordPress? Ultimate Guide For Beginners in 2023

Pictures Should Be Eye-Catching:

Images are no less than a soul of every website. Generally, designers don’t leave any stone unturned in using high-quality pictures to create attractive designs. However, they may not even realize when they commit a grave mistake just with pictures.
So, to be on the safe side, when you’re designing a page that requires picture addition, you must go with the BII rule. With this rule, you’d have to accomplish at least one of the three things, which are:

  • Brands
  • Interact
  • Inform

Since humans prefer images over content, it becomes your responsibility to depict your brand, interact with visitors, and inform them about your products or services with the images that you’re using.

Make Typography Advantageous:

One of the best tricks while designing a website would be to use visual content more than the written content. However, amidst everything else, you must not forget the typography part as it also plays an important role in the visual hierarchy system.
When talking about an excellent design, everything might not revolve around typography, but it surely is important. If you aren’t willing to create customized graphics or typefaces, you can simply follow some guidelines that will allow you to make sure of existing fonts to the best of them.
So, when you are ready to choose fonts for your site, here are some things that you can consider:

  • Keep your readability standards higher. Your visitors shouldn’t and wouldn’t play the guessing game just to figure out what you’ve published on your site. For this, you can keep the body text between 12 to16 px. Although most of the designers prefer 14px, you can use as per your requirements.
  • You must always remember that simplicity is the best thing. Don’t go overboard. You can even try mix and match. Try matching your sidebar text font to the body text font and headline font to the navigation link font and likewise.
    Also, pay attention to little variants as well, such as color, weight, style, and more.

Further, it has even proved that fonts do convey messages to your audience. All of them have their own style:

  • Modern is smart and sophisticated
  • Serif expresses esteem and custom
  • The script is imaginative and stylish
  • Sans-serif is modern and worldwide
  • Slab serif establishes dependability and authority


As a designer, you’d have several responsibilities lingering on your head. So, if you just want to make your website attractive, try and keep it uncluttered, easy to read, and simple. Keep these points mentioned above in mind and put in a bit of extra effort. The website will surely turn out to be unique and amazing.

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